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EYFS Vision:


At Lulworth and Winfrith Primary School, children in Reception will experience a wide range of opportunities that promote our core values of belief, fellowship and harmony where the outcome is a cohort of joyful, independent, confident and determined learners who are able to communicate well and have the ability to think critically, celebrate their achievements and feel a valued part of our school community. 


EYFS Aspirations:

To show curiosity and a growing understanding and tolerance of what makes our diverse school community unique (including our service families), and talk positively about similarities and differences. 


To be able to work together collaboratively and use a range of strategies independently and co-operatively to help each other solve problems.


To be able to talk about and notice seasonal changes and develop an understanding of how we can look after plants and animals found and grown in the local environment. 


To show curiosity in the different ways we communicate through our writing and to celebrate the journey of becomming a writer.


To develop a deep understanding of numbers to ten and to talk about, notice and compare quantities and combinations of numbers in different playful ways
