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Collective Worship

At Lulworth and Winfrith Primary School, our act of daily Collective Worship is an important part of the day when we gather as a school community to reflect, think and pray.


It is a time when we think about our school values and promote the moral, social and cultural development of our children. 


We reflect on the role we play in our school, church, local and global communities.   We also explore other world religions.  Our children play an active role leading aspects of Collective Worship and join in through drama, discussion, prayer and reflections.


Collective Worship takes place in different ways throughout the week.


  • These acts of worship are led by different members of staff and sometimes visitors.


  • The children join in weekly singing sessions where they are given the chance to learn and perform songs and hymns with their peers. 


  • On a Friday our Head teacher leads a celebration assembly


  • At Key Stage 2 the children enjoy a weekly Picture News worship where they reflect on topical events and news stories



As a split site school it is important that we meet as a whole school to worship at key points throughout the year.  We also worship together on our whole school Curriculum Days. The following services are held in our local churches and led by the children alongside members of our local church community. 








We are lucky enough to have a Spiritual Garden where our acts of Collective Worship can sometimes take place.  At these times, the children can reflect on our wonderful world and nature.

Rev Sandra Williams visited us at Winfrith today and led a Collective Worship about 'new beginnings'.  

Harvest Festival

We celebrated our Harvest Festival before half term.  We enjoyed singing our Harvest songs with our classmates and joining in with some Harvest Prayers.  We brought goods for the local food bank to help our local community.



Remembrance Day

We held a service of Remembrance at both sites on 11th November.  The children had made crosses to lay at our Peace Poles and they joined in singing and with a 2 minutes silence.  We were proud that a representative of the school was also able to attend a service at our local church and children from the school laid a wreath.

Rev Sandra Williams also visited us to lead a Collective Worship about Remembrance and we joined in some prayers as we thought about why we wear our poppies.

Godly Play

Today Susan Marsh a member of St Christopher's Church in Winfrith visited us to lead a Godly Play session.  The children listened carefully to the story of Creation and then enjoyed joining in with the actions for every day.  One child commented 'I thought God might have seen me doing the actions and would be proud'.

Christmas Godly Play

Mrs Marsh visited Robins and Woodpeckers this week to share the Christmas Story.  The children loved playing with the characters and spotting who they had been in our Nativity Play.  They also joined in very enthusiastically with all of the actions. 

Godly Play Spring Term

The children in Robins and Woodpeckers have been joining in their Godly Play sessions enthusiastically during the Spring Term.  This week we were visited by Mr and Mrs Marsh and they learnt about Jesus' disciples and enjoyed learning a song about Jesus and his special friends.

Easter Godly Play

Mrs Marsh visited us for Godly Play today.  We talked about Palm Sunday and even got to wave some real palm leaves to show the welcome the people of Jerusalem gave Jesus.  Mrs Marsh read from the Bible and told us about each part of the Easter story.


Easter Service

On the last day of term we held our Easter Service at Holy Trinity Church in West Lulworth.  It was lovely for our pupils, staff, parents and members of the local community to be able to come together to celebrate such a special time in the Christian year.

Godly Play

Mrs Marsh told us the story of 'The Lost Sheep' in Godly Play this week. We enjoyed joining in with the actions and part of the story and thought about our school value forgiveness.

Godly Play

Autumn 1 2022

Today we retold the story of Creation with Mrs Marsh.  We had great joining in with the actions and telling the story with our classmates.


Autumn 1 2022

Rev Sandra visited us and led our Collective worship.  She told us the story of Elijah and how she had shown courage when it had been hard. 

We reflected on a time when we had shown courage in our own lives even when it felt hard to stand up for what we believe.


Ride and Stride

The children joined in a Ride and Stride event this week where we walked to St Christopher's Church to raise money for the 'Dorset Historic Churches Trust'.  As part of this event the children led prayers and enjoyed spending time with members of our local church community.

Godly Play

Autumn 1

This week in Godly play Mrs Marsh told us the story of 'The Garden of Eden'.  

Harvest festival

October 2022


This afternoon we all went to church. We collected donations for our local food bank, and we thought carefully about what harvest means in today’s society.

Robins and Woodpeckers performed the songs 'Hooray for Harvest' and 'Five a Day',  Years 3 & 4 performed a rather clever Harvest Poem, and Years 5 & 6 recited their Harvest prayers and poems that they had written themselves.

All of the staff and parents were extremely proud of them and they sang ‘Harvest Samba’ and ‘Harvest Hymn’ beautifully.




Remembrance Service

On Remembrance Day our children led a service of Remembrance at both sites.  We were joined by Rev David and Mr Marsh  the church warden from St Christopher's Church.  It was a special occasion especially with so many military families as part of our school community.

Collective Worship


Today Rev Richard led our Collective Worship at Winfrith and we thought about advent and how Christians prepare for Christmas. We enjoyed joining in and sharing our ideas with our friends.


December 2022

We were very excited this week to be able to perform our Nativity at St Christopher's in Winfrith for the first time since before covid.  It was lovely to be able to join together with family members, friends and members of the local community and perform our fantastic show.  KS1 and KS2 worked together and we were all proud to see them so confident in front of such large audiences. We were pleased that Rev David, Rev Sandra and members of the local church community could also join us for this special event. 

Spring 1 2023

Godly Play


Today Mrs Marsh led us in a Godly Play session about the Wise Men visiting Jesus.  We talked about why people wanted to visit Jesus and give him gifts.

Christingle Service

Reverend Chillman led our Christingle Service this morning.  We shared what we knew about the symbolism of the Christingle and what each of the different elements represent.  Reverend Chillman spoke about the candle representing Jesus being the light of the world.  We sang our Christingle song before Reverend Chillman closed our service with a prayer.

Spring 2

Godly Play

Mrs Marsh led us in a Godly Play session using the story of 'The Samaritan'.  We enjoyed retelling the story and joining in the actions.  We talked about our school values and made links to kindness and how we show kindness to others.

Today Rev Sandra led our Collective Worship and we talked about the significance of the cross.  We had a really thoughtful discussion about the Easter story and some of the symbols of Easter.

Easter Service 

Friday 31st March 2023

We ended the term with our Easter Service at Holy Trinity Church in Lulworth.  The service was led by Rev Chillman alongside the Open the Book team and the children.

We were joined by parents, friends of the school and members of the local community.  The children's singing sounded amazing and KS2 shared some thoughtful poems and prayers.

Godly Play 


In Godly Play we investigated friendship through thinking about Jesus's disciples.

Collective Worship led by Rev Chillman

Today Rev Chillman led our Collective Worship at Winfrith Site.  We talked about how Jesus is the light who helps show us the way to lead a good life and thought about how we can help others.


Harvest Festival at Holy Trinity Church West Lulworth

We ended the half term with a lovely Harvest Festival Service at Holy Trinity Church in West Lulworth.  Rev Bartlett led the service and the church was filled with family and friends.  The children performed a number of songs and poems and led the congregation in prayer.  

Thank you to our families for the generous donations which will support the local foodbanks

Noah's Ark

Open the Book

Autumn 1 2023

Adam and Eve

Open the Book

Autumn 1 2023


Open the Book

Autumn 1 2023

The Open the book team told us the story of Abraham and Sarah and we reflected on the promise that God made and the trust they had in God.

Remembrance Day

We held Remembrance Services at both sites this week led by Rev Sandra Williams.  The children reflected on why we wear poppies and art work they had created was displayed.  The children wrote some thoughtful prayers which were read as part of the Service.

Curriculum Day 

Friday 17th November

We were all excited to join together as a whole school on Friday for our Curriculum Day.  Mr Skinner started the day by leading a worship about our school vision and we reflected on the parable of The Mustard Seed and what this means in our school.  

Nativity 2023

We celebrated Christmas with performances of our Nativity 'The Sleepy Shepherd' and it was fantastic to see the children perform so confidently in front of their family and friends of the school.  The joyful atmosphere and the message of Christmas shone out as we came together as a school and community at this special time.

Lulworth Christmas Worship

Today we welcomed family and friends to Lulworth Site to join in our Christmas Worship.  They led the service alongside the Open the Book team and we all felt very proud of them as they shared readings, prayers and sang to our visitors.

Pupil Collective Worship Review

Autumn Term 2023

Things we are doing well:

  • Open the Book Worship.  These involve the children and help everyone to remember the Bible stories.
  • Celebration Worship/Pen Assemblies.  We enjoy celebrating our friend's achievements and behaviour

Listening to stories to help us learn about school values

Next Steps:

  • Music from different faiths and countries to be played as we enter/leave Collective Worship
  • Use a candle more regularly as a focus to Worship and prayer
  • Children to share their prayers more often and introduce the use of a prayer tree


Open the Book

February 2024

Daniel in the Lion's Den

Today was an exciting 'Open the Book' performance of Daniel and the Lions Den.  There was some fantastic acting and joining in from the children and an impressive lion!  The children thought our school values courage and trust.  We considered how we sometimes need courage to follow what we believe and the importance of trust in others and God.

KS2 Collective Worship

Thursday 8th February

This morning Rev Chillman led our Collective Worship with the focus on love.  We thought about the love and care we give to others.  Rev Chillman shared this prayer:


'Thank you God, that  love is the one superpower that everyone can develop.  Help us put it into practice.'



Open the Book

March 2024

Today our Collective Worship focussed on Jesus and his disciples.  Through our open the book session we found out about how Jesus chose his disciples and thought about the meaning of the term 'fishing for men'.  We learnt a song and which we enjoyed singing with our peers.  In Years 3 and 4 the children have been investigating this theme further putting themselves into the role of Jesus's disciples and considering how they felt to be chosen for this special job.

Collective Worship

March 2024

Today Rev Sandra led our collective worship and we thought about God's love and how it can touch us all.  KS2 also took the opportunity to ask Rev Sandra about her role as vicar and the tasks and jobs she does day to day.  

 Easter Service March 2024

Holy Trinity Church

West Lulworth

Today the whole school came together at Holy Trinity Church for our Easter Service.  It was fantastic to see the church full and to welcome family, friends and the community to celebrate Easter with us.


The children sang the hymns ‘He has Risen’ and ‘Hosanna’ and they nearly lifted the roof with their joyful singing! They also impressed us with a signed version of ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars.   Key Stage 1 entertained us with their ‘Easter Alphabet’ and Key Stage 2 shared some thoughtful poems and prayers.  Finally, we were wowed by a member of Year 6 performing their amazing Easter rap! 

Ascension Day

This week Rev Richard led a Collective Worship on both sites with the focus on Ascension Day and this linked well to the work we have been doing in RE lessons about Pentacost.  The children enjoyed joining in actively and this helped them talk afterwards with a good understanding.

Pupil Collective Worship Review

Spring Term 2024

What’s going well?

  • Picture News

Learning about the world and what’s going on in the world.  If there is someone in need you can think about how to help them

  • Worship in Church

We it when we can sometimes be together as a whole school

On the walk to the church we can help the younger children

We like it when our parents come and join in and the wider community

We get to show everyone how good Open the Book is and we can all join in together

  • Music

The music we play as we walk into Collective Worship can make us feel calm or thoughtful

It helps people behave well

Gets us ready to be together and reflect on what’s happened so far that day


What can we improve?

  • More pupil led Worship

More opportunities for the pupils to choose the focus of Collective Worship and lead it

  • Visitors with a range of beliefs and faiths

More visitors to talk to us about their beliefs, spiritual journeys and different religions so we can learn even more

Open the Book

Jesus and the Tax Collector

Today we joined in the story of Zacchaeus and explored what this Bible story can help us learn about loving everyone and forgiveness.

Open the Book

Autumn 1 2024

This half term we have welcome the fantastic Open the Book team to lead our Collective Worship every Wednesday.  The children have enjoyed joining in the tell stories from the Old Testament and it really is the highlight of our week!

Collective Worship

This week Rev Chillman led Collective Worship at both sights with the theme of Autumn and God's love.

Harvest Festival

October 2024

Today we came together as a school community at Holy Trinity Church to celebrate Harvest Festival.  It was great to have all the children together and their singing raised the roof!  Thank you also to everyone for their generous donations for our local foodbank.

Open the Book

David and Goliath

Our Open the Book team put on a wonderful performance of David and Goliath.  The children were enthralled and it gave them a chance to reflect on many of our School values and join together in worship with members of our local community.
