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Courageous Advocacy & Supporting Charitiy

“Love your neighbour as yourself” Mark 12: 29-31


 At Lulworth and Winfrith Primary School we encourage and support our children to be ‘Courageous Advocates’.  As such, they champion causes in their community, local, nationally and globally.  We help them understand that throughout life they and others will face challenges they will need to overcome.


The children are given the chance to discuss the big issues, to challenge injustice and to engage in activities that can bring about change. They are encouraged to develop an understanding of the wider world and how they can help to make it a better place.


The work the children do to support others is underpinned by our Christian beliefs and School Values. 


Our pupils and their families support causes and charities to make a difference in our school, the local community and also nationally and globally.  The children play a leading role in organising and supporting charity events.  


In recent years we have carried out a range of different fund raising to support many good causes and raise awareness, some of which include:


Comic Relief

Children In Need

Save the Children  (Christmas Jumper Day)

Our local food banks

Fairtrade Fortnight

Bible Society

Royal British Legion (Remembrance Day)

Shoe box appeal

Local teenagers in supported living

Surfers Against Sewage

Community Lunch


We also work as a team to improve school life for all members of our school community.  Ideas often come for the children and projects have included:


Improvements to our swimming pool area

Paintings to make our playground a more fun place to play

EYFS outside area

Equipment to support our learning e.g. musical instruments and Numicon for KS1

Improving KS2 outside area

Gardening projects on both sites



  Our most recent charity event was raising funds to support the Piam Brown Ward at Southampton Hospital, where one of children has received treatment for the last 3 years.  Our children we keen to raise money to help children going through the same thing as their friend.  At the end of the Spring Term all of KS1 were involved in an amazing sports afternoon.  It was great fun and we were pleased to be able present the hospital with a cheque for £3030!


Thank you to everyone involved and all who contributed! 



Thank you so very much for setting up a Just Giving page to support Southampton Hospitals Charity – Piam Brown Ward through your sports afternoon. 

It is truly a super thing to do to show your support to Joshua and his family.


We recommend that you share the link to your page with all of your contacts to maximise the money you raise and keep it even updated it with how the afternoon went, the more photos the better!


Thank you so much for your support. The page has done really well already, over £700 which is absolutely fabulous.  If there's anything you need from us to help support your fundraising please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Marianne had asked about banners and Tshirts, which we do have but only generic ones for Southampton Hospitals Charity – rather than PB specific.  Do let me know if this would be helpful.


Take care and stay safe

Remembrance Day

We supported the Royal British Legion through the sale of poppies.  We are proud to support this charity especially with the strong links our families have with the army.



Children In Need

We had a non uniform day to raise money for Children In Need.  Lots of children wore spots or dressed in spotty clothes.  It felt good to raise money to help other children.


Ride and Stride 2022

On Friday all of the children on Winfrith Site joined in the 'Ride and Stride' fundraiser to raise money for the Historic Church Trust.  At the moment they are helping to raise funds to fix the church roof at Holy Trinity Church, West Lulworth.

Kindness Harvest

The School Council organised a sale to raise money for the Bible Society this week.  Lots of items were donated and bought and over £160 pounds in a very short space of time. 

The four local churches have pledged to double the amount raised; the final amount will be sent to the Bible Society.  The money will be used to provide Open The Book sessions in schools overseas.


At our recent Curriculum Day one of our focuses was Fairtrade and how we can help farmers in other parts of the world achieve a fair price for their crops and a good standard of living for their families.  Living in a farming community this is something our children feel passionate about.  We were able to find out about farming in different parts of the world and how and why buying goods with the Fair trade sign will help the.  Our children are now advocates for farmers, spreading the word amongst their family and friends!



Remembrance Day


  We have been supporting the Royal British Legion by selling poppies.


Children in Need 2022

Today our children came to school in colourful clothes to raise money for Children in Need.  We talked in our classes about the charity and learnt about some of the children the money they donated would help.  We also thought about ways in which they can be a good friend and how their actions can help other people.

Shoe Box Appeal Christmas 2023


The children supported the Rotary Shoebox Appeal generously and were pleased to be able to help children less fortunate than themselves.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

As a school attended by many children with parents serving in the armed forces the Poppy Appeal is one that is particularly important to us and we have been pleased to support this fantastic charity again this year.

What a Wonderful Team!

We recently witnessed a wonderful team effort to improve the welcome at our Winfrith Site.  Supported by funds raised by our friends at local Winfrith pub 'the Red Lion'.  A team of green fingered volunteers set to work landscaping the garden at the front of the school and planting a range of plants and flowers to give a wonderful welcome to those attending and visiting our school.  We are very grateful for all their hard work!

Surfers Against Sewage

A Picture News Collective Worship led to some fundraising from one of our teachers this half term.  After learning about the issues with sewage in some of our water Mr Wright and members of Hambury Class felt empowered to raise awareness about this important issue and also decided to raise funds by doing a 'Dip a Day' for the month of October.  He ended the month with a dip in a wheelie bin much to the delight of everyone - well done Mr Wright!

Children in Need 2023

This year our Children in Need coincided with our Curriculum Day and we spent time as a school thinking about kindness and the impact we can have on others on this special day.

The School Council did a great job creating posters for our collection of 'Pennies for Pudsey' and we are pleased to say we raised an amazing £125.95!

Save the Children 

Christmas Jumper Day

Our children wore their Christmas jumpers to school today to support the charity Save the Children.  We talked about the important work this charity does and how our donations will make a difference to children around the world.

School Council Christmas Project

Our School Council feel passionate about helping other young people and organised a collection for local young people living in supported lodgings.  The collection was taken to Dorchester Youth Centre to be distributed in the young people's Christmas boxes.

Comic Relief 

March 2024

Our School Council took the lead on organising our Comic Relief fundraiser this year.  They made posters to advertise this event and they also ran a 'Design Your Own Red Nose Face' competition on both sites.  The children explained to their peers why they feel it is important to support the projects comic relief and our shared responsibility to help others when we can.  They also ran a 'Design Your Own Red Nose Face' competition on both sites.


Eco Team

A group of our children in Year 4 are working to change the world for the better! 

They are concerned about global warming and have have formed a team to think about ways they can educate their peers about this problem and encourage changes to make the world a better place.  They recently led a collective worship on this topic with the aim of educating their friends and inspiring them to make some changes to help combat this problem.

  Well done Eco Team!

Improving Our Outside Area

The children in Hambury Class decided they could male positive changes to the school by improving the outside area at Lulworth.  So with the help of their teacher and a local volunteer are working to improve the outside area for our Key Stage 2 pupils.  This is proving a huge success and it's been great to see the children across the age groups working collaboratively and enjoying the new activities. 

Stop Deforestation!

Empowered by one of our English texts, 'The Great Kapok Tree', the children in Bindon class decided that they could make change by lobbying some of the companies responsible for deforestation. They investigated the impact of this and started to raise awareness of this among their peers.  They wrote some great persuasive letters making good arguments for reducing deforestation and sustainable forests.  

Eco Team Update!

The Eco Team have been busy researching their topic and creating power points to educate their peers about climate change and what we can do to help by making changes in our own lives.  The children have found out that 9,000 acres of rainforest is being destroyed an hour.  They have set up a challenge for their class to complete 9,000 steps in a week to raise awareness of this cause amongst our families and raise money for Friends of the Earth.  Well done Eco Team and Bindon Class.

Eco Team Step Challenge

The Eco Team organised a 'Step Challenge' to raise money for 'Friends of the Earth'.  The children in Bindon completed 9,000 steps over a week.  They asked their family and friends to support them and raised a substantial amount for their chosen charity.
