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At Lulworth and Winfrith Primary School, we aim to deliver a broad Religious Education Curriculum to our children. 


We follow the Dorset locally agreed syllabus and use the 'Understanding Christianity' and 'Emmanuel Project' resources.  


Through the Understanding Christianity resources we teach our children about Christianity.  The children are encouraged to explore core Bible texts, examine the impact for Christians and consider possible implications and make connections with how they live their lives.


Through the Emmanuel Project we teach our children about Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judasim, Sikhism and other belief systems.

Curriculum Day

Friday 17th November

We were excited on Friday to join together as a whole school for our Curriculum Day.  We reflected on our school vision and values and enjoyed activities linked to the festivals of Eid, Rosh Hashanah and Diwali.  It was fantastic to work side by side across the year groups and to see the older children supporting the younger children.  

Visit to Holy Trinity Church

As part of our focus on places of worship, Bindon visited Holy Trinity Church in West Lulworth.

Rev Chillman showed us around the church building and churchyard and we learnt about the special parts of the building and the significance for Christians.  We made links to our experiences eg baptism and said special prayers for our friend and member of the Open the Book team, Maureen.

We took time to appreciate the wonderful surroundings of Holy Trinity Church on such a glorious day!

Visit to St Christopher's Church

Today Robins Class enjoyed a walk along the river path to St Christopher's Church.  Members of our local church community and open the book team walked with the children and enjoyed showing the children around the church and talking about why this is a special place for Christians and the heart of the Winfrith community.  This was a great way to bring our curriculum focus on places of worship to life.

Woodpeckers Synagogue Visit

Today Woodpeckers enjoyed and exciting and informative visit the the Reform Synagogue in Bournemouth.  They were able to consolidate the learning they had been doing in class and see many of the Jewish artefacts they had talked about.
