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Lulworth & Winfrith as a Church School

The Theological Underpinning of Our Vision


Our school vision and values are theologically underpinned by the Parable of the Mustard Seed. The teaching in this parable supports the aims of our own values that we uphold at school.



The Parable of the Mustard Seed:   Matthew 13:31

 Then Jesus told another story: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. A man plants the seed in his field. 32 That seed is the smallest of all seeds. But when it grows, it is one of the largest garden plants. It becomes a tree, big enough for the wild birds to come and make nests in its branches."


We nurture our children to become resilient learners, supportive friends and responsible citizens.  Just as in the story of the mustard seed – to grow from something small to something mighty.  We provide each child with opportunities and experiences that allow them to develop the belief and confidence that they can achieve anything. Our children flourish in a safe and caring environment, just like the birds in the mustard tree’s branches.  They learn to show kindness and respect to others and make valuable contributions as they move through their life.

Local Church Community


Our school is at the heart of the local community and we work closely with our local churches.  The children regularly lead services in our churches and in Collective Worship we welcome visits from Rev David Chillman, Rev Sandra Williams, Rev Richard Bartlett alongside the Open the Book team and members of the church community who have lead our Godly Play sessions. 



Our Local Church Community

Rev Sandra Williams


Hello, I’m Rev Sandra Williams, half time Associate Priest with the West Purbeck Benefice and I have responsibility for ministry amongst families, children, young people and schools throughout the Benefice.  My husband, Graham, and black labradoodle Zinnie (she was 2 last Christmas Eve), live in The Vicarage in Bere Regis.

Graham and I have three children – Amy, married to Neil, has two children, Zachary and Ruby and lives in Salisbury; our son Adam and his wife, Maria, are both teachers and live in Oxfordshire with their Schnauzer Gus; and our youngest daughter, Lucy, with her fiancé Sam and Husky/Beagle Cross Bella, live in Shaftesbury.  Our family grew up in Gillingham, North Dorset, where, prior to ordination, I was a Primary School Teaching Assistant. I was also a Cub Scout Leader for 30 years.

One of my main loves is walking and I’ve really enjoyed exploring the local footpaths. When we’ve had a bit more freedom Zinnie and I have been further afield, it’s great to know that the coast is only 20 minutes away. 

It’s been fabulous to meet some of the families from school through our online Messy Church and I’m really looking forward to the time when I can come in to school for things like Collective Worship, rather than doing it at home through zoom, and really get to know the whole school family.

With blessings

Rev Sandra Williams

Rev David Chillman

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