Lulworth and Winfrith CE VC Primary School
Catch Up Premium
Use of Universal Catch Up Fund: 2021-2022
Targeted pupil group or individual
| Rationale for selection | Approach/Intervention/additional provision | Impact measure and date of scheduled review
| Funding allocated
Prediction: £8160 | Impact and evaluation |
Intervention strategy:
Lexia Reading
Licences purchased: 50
Y1&Y2: 24 Y3&Y4: 14 Y5: 12 | Investigation shows that specific support is required for loss of learning in reading.
Children in EYFS & KS1 will have developed gaps in their phonetic knowledge.
Children in both KS1 and KS2 will have reading ages below their expected level
| Lexia is an electronic reading intervention programme that can be used to support learning both at school and at home.
An assessment programme runs alongside this that can provide targeted interventions to individual learners that is facilitated by trained teaching assistants and teachers.
The 50 licences purchased will focus on KS1 pupils and identified KS2 pupils who require support. | Lexia data to show improvement and progress.
Over a one term period there will be an expectation that reading ages improve by 4-6 months. | Cost to school:
£2768 |
School based 1:1 and small group interventions / tutoring
5 hours per week | This will identify children across this group who are developing progress gaps in their learning.
Within this group their will be a particular focus on early readers in EYFS, Y1 and identified children from Y2 | 1:1 and small group tutoring using existing school teaching staff where possible.
The Education Endowment Foundation states in their guide to catch up that “There is extensive evidence supporting the impact of high quality one to one and small group tuition as a catch-up strategy.” The focus within this group will be weighted towards reading and phonics but some mathematics support will be covered. | Impact will be measured using internal assessment systems such as NFER, reading age assessments and phonics assessments in Y1 and Y2. | Estimated cost:
£1946 |
School based 1:1 and small group interventions / tutoring
5 hours per week | This will identify children across this group who are developing progress gaps in their learning.
Within this group their will be a particular focus on mathematics and Y6 to ensure they are secondary ready | 1:1 and small group tutoring using existing school teaching staff where possible.
The Education Endowment Foundation states in their guide to catch up that “There is extensive evidence supporting the impact of high quality one to one and small group tuition as a catch-up strategy.” The focus within this group will be weighted towards reading and phonics but some mathematics support will be covered. | Impact will be measured using internal assessment systems such as NFER, reading age assessments and optional SATs to provide standardised scores. | Estimated cost:
£1946 |
SEND pupils who are at risk of not making expected progress
KS2 | Within upper KS2 the school has a larger proportion of SEND children than national and, due to Covid, a significant number of these children will be at risk of not making expected progress and falling behind previous attainment levels
| Additional teaching assistant support will be provided in class to support individuals and groups of learners. This support will also be used to enable the class teacher to focus on small group working in addition to the teaching assistant support. | Impact of this strategy will be shown by a diminishing g progress gap for these learners identified through NFER and standardised score assessment | Estimated cost:
£1250 |
Remote Learning Support: Printed resources
All year groups | For pupils who are required to self isolate but are unable to access online remote learning materials for any reason | Tailored learning packs of printed resources will be prepared and made available to families who are not able to access online learning materials. Wherever possible, electronic devices will be offered to support this and learning packs will be provided in addition to this.
A selection of learning activities and resources will be planned to cover the isolation period. | This will provide alternative learning resources to those who might not have been able to access learning otherwise.
Impact will be measure in terms of engagement and assessment of work completed by children in this category.
| Estimated cost:
£250 |