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Year 1 & 2 Woodpeckers

Autumn Term 2022

We have had a amazing Autumn Term and learnt alot.  Here are some of the fantastic activities we have enjoyed throughout the Autumn Term.

Trees For Dorset Seed Walk

Investigating Victorian Artefacts

Apple Picking

We had a wonderful time picking apples in our friend's orchard. We even got to meet his Alpacas!

Making Apple Cake

We used the apples we harvested to our own apple cake.  It was delicious!

Bear's Umbrella Experiment

We tested different materials to find out which one would be best for an umbrella for bear.


We had a brilliant visit from Martin of the Extreme Falconry park.  We learnt so much and he was very impressed with what we'd found out from our research.


Year 2 did great job subtracting 2 digit numbers using the diennes to help them.

Word Problems

Year 1 used a Victorian afternoon tea to help them solve some word problems.  They definitely deserved to eat the cakes afterwards!

Trees For Dorset

We planted some of the seeds that we collected on our seed walk and look forward to watching them grow.

East Dorset Museum Trip

Victorian Day

We had a great day experiencing being a Victorian servant and found out it was very hard work!

Spring Term

Bayeaux Tapestry Artwork


Telling the Time

Woodpeckers' Cereal Box Castles

We found a dragon in our castle!

The Feudal System

We learnt about the different roles of people in the Feudal System in Medieval times.  It certainly wasn't much fun being a peasant!

Farmer Duck

We acted out the story of Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell.  We investigated some of the jobs Farmer Duck did and how he would have felt at different points in the story.

Shrove Tuesday

We had great fun making and eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

New Age Kurling!


Tennis Session

Today we had a tennis taster session with a local tennis coach, it was great fun.  We developed our hand-eye coordination and showed great resilience as we practised the different skills needed to play tennis.

Medieval Knights

We learnt about how knights trained in medieval times and found out about what happened at each stage.  We made our own shields and acted out a dubbing ceremony.

Fruit Salad

In Science lessons have been learning about the importance of eating a balanced diet.  We tested different fruits then designed, made and evaluated our own fruit salads.  We practised using knives safely using playdoh then used this skills to cut up the fruit for our fruit salad.

Corfe Castle Trip

We had a fantastic end to our Castles topic today with a local trip to Corfe Castle.  We impressed our teachers by naming the parts of the castle and talking about the lives of the people who lived and worked there.  

Visiting the Lambs!

Today were invited by a local family to visit their lambs.  We were very lucky with the weather and enjoyed a lovely walk through our local area to start the visit.  We had our snack and then we saw the lambs being fed.  We particularly enjoyed seeing them jumping over the river and springing around the field. We then saw some tadpoles and look forward to releasing them into the stream when they are frogs.

Kickboxing Session

Today Woodpeckers enjoyed a Kickboxing taster session with a local coach.  They all tried hard and learnt some new skills.

A Royal Celebration!

Today our school community had a wonderful time celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III.  We all came in red, white and blue or Royal costumes and the children were wearing fantastic crowns they had made.  We played a Royal pass the parcel and posed for photos in the Royal photo booth.  We then had a picnic lunch in the hall and sampled the Coronation cake!

Handa's Surprise

We acted out the story of Handa's Surprise.  We used adjectives to describe the different animals and the fruits they took from the basket.

Craig's Farm Trip

Today we had a great trip to Craig's Farm for a delicious ice cream!