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British Values

At Lulworth and Winfrith CE Primary School we have carefully chosen the Christian values of, Belief, Fellowship and Harmony. These values underpin the life of our school community. They form the foundation of creating an environment that recognises the importance of educating our children so that they understand the multi-cultural and multi-faith modern Britain we live in today. We ensure our pupils are ready to contribute to an ever changing society. At Lulworth and Winfrith CE Primary School we reinforce these values in the following ways:

Democracy is embedded at our school for both children and staff alike. Through our collective worship programme and Rights Respecting School work, pupils are taught to listen carefully to each other, respecting the right of every individual to have their opinions and voices heard. Pupils are elected by their peers to be School Councillors. Members of the class are invited to apply for the role and chosen democratically by their own peers.

Children in the junior department visit the House of Commons, with the School Council. During 2016 the children were lucky enough to visit Parliament the day before the public voted to leave the European Union. They formed their own views on whether we should stay or exit the European Union and held their own debate and vote whilst they were in Parliament.

Pupil questionnaires are another way of ensuring that pupils have a voice.

Children often approach the staff with ideas of how they can help various charities. They organise their own bake offs and loom band sales, produce publicity for their event and raise money for their chosen charity.

Our behaviour policy involves both rewards and sanctions; pupils are clear about the expectations. Certificates are awarded each week for pupils who have demonstrated good work. Rights respecting school certificates are also awarded weekly for those who have made the right choice and been a good citizen.

The views of teachers, parents, governors and the wider community are sought and included in the decision making process of our school through: staff meetings, PTA meetings, local community meetings held in the school, parent and governor representatives and the local parish council. 

The Rule of Law
Respect and understanding of the importance of our Rights Respecting School class charters, drawn up by the class in September, provides foundations on which children will learn the Rule of Law. Consequences of breaking the class charters are clearly understood and consistently reinforced. Children understand that if they make the wrong choice then there will be a loss of privilege and Golden Time. Children understand that the Class Charters enable us all to successfully learn and play together and that the laws of our country govern and protect us. 

Individual Liberty
Within the safe and supportive environment of Lulworth and Winfrith CE Primary School, children are actively encouraged to make choices. Through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education, children develop their ability to make good choices which are acceptable to the people around them. When the wrong choice is made children are helped to recognise the problem and identify the solution. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our collective worship, RE, PSHE, E-Safety, Life Education Van and PE sessions.

Challenging topics within the curriculum, and current affairs, allow pupils to explore consequences and the effect on people when liberty is challenged or removed. 

Mutual Respect
Respect is at the heart of all aspects of our school life. Positive role models within the school environment ensure that children learn their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. They learn that their character is judged on the way in which they act and treat others. All members of the community treat each other with respect. We encourage the children to show respect and understanding of other cultures, heritages and points of view, within home, school and the wider world, as well as the need to care for the environment.

All areas of the curriculum call for respectful attitudes in order to learn effectively.

When things go wrong we encourage the children to be honest, to express their feelings, to listen to the opinion of others, to say sorry and, very importantly, to forgive. 
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
Although Lulworth and Winfrith CE Primary School is situated in a rural area, a third of our population are children from Armed Forces families. These children come to us from abroad and also many different parts of the United Kingdom. We place great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children. Our RE, PSHE, topic work and English lessons include stories from different faiths and cultures. We encourage children to be kind and friendly to others within the school and community. Visitors to our school always report on how kind and respectful the children are.

The school expects the full support of all stakeholders in challenging the rare instances of unacceptable behaviour and beliefs contrary to fundamental British values, including ‘extremist’ views. To reinforce an appreciation of British Values children, at an age appropriate level, are taught to understand that the opportunities they are afforded are not universal. They are taught that they are born into a country of opportunity and fair systems of law based on universal human rights. This is contrasted with examples of historical events to reinforce a sense of pride and awareness of British Values.
